Instructors As Influencers
Instructors as Influencers SUMMARY: Are your social posts getting fewer likes than you’d like? You’re not alone; in recent years, business posts have been downgraded and most are being seen by a single-digit percentage of your followers. In a new webcast,...
What’s Your Group Fitness Strategy?
What’s Your Group Fitness Strategy? SUMMARY: Running a group fitness program requires a strategy. But you don’t have to create it from scratch. After decades in the industry, we’ve discovered that a few strategic moves – a short list of programming...
Instructor Recruitment – Join the Movement
Need Instructors? Join the Webcast. Join the Movement. SUMMARY: Just about every facility we talk to needs to grow their instructor team. The instructor team drives the group fitness schedule. The schedule drives participation. And participation impacts membership and...
The Power of Social Motion
Sell and Celebrate the Power of Together SUMMARY: People can exercise anywhere. If exercise is just about looking after our physical selves, we can do it at home, outside, at the cheap competitor’s place… wherever! But physical fitness is only a portion of our...