What is your plan for member onboarding?


Onboarding new members at your facility is critical to their success. An inspiring and motivating experience can help set them on the path to reaching their goals and can improve your business’s reputation in the community. Creating a structured but nimble plan for onboarding new members will help your facility deliver a meaningful and impactful member experience. Importantly, having a plan will help your team make a powerful first impression. While your competitors may continue to offer 1-day and 7-day passes, allowing prospective members to wander the facility without direction, you can set yourself apart by mapping out a plan for helping your new members start the New Year!

Topics include:

• Creating a path to success for your members
• The “3 Must Haves of Membership”
• Onboarding strategies to become High-Touch, High Service
• New resources to prepare your team for the New Year

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Jeffrey Pinkerton
Business Development Manager, MOSSA
Natalie Witt
Social Media & Content Manager, MOSSA

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