Biggest Mover Contest

How can you keep your members engaged and motivated?

The Challenge:

Members working out alone often lose motivation. Members who visit your facility infrequently are more likely to cancel. Getting members involved in a contest can help increase engagement and improve retention.

The Solution:

The Biggest Mover is an 8-week contest where members earn points and win prizes for participating in group fitness and for bringing guests to your facility. It gives new members a reason to get involved in your group fitness workouts, making them more likely to stay members and stay moving!


The Biggest Mover Contest is a ready-made solution that will help you increase group fitness participation, sell new memberships, and retain members longer. The Biggest Mover Contest is perfect for helping members keep to their New Year’s resolutions, but can be offered anytime of the year to keep members motivated and engaged. Everything you need to run the contest is bundled together and available on Management eSource. This paper explains all you need to know to make The Biggest Mover a major success at your facility.

Topics in the White Paper:

• What is The Biggest Mover?
• How to run the contest at your facility
• Tips for Success
• Contest Resources

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7 minutes

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