Can People Love Exercise?

Can people really love exercise?


Most people don’t love working out… yet. The “before” feels daunting, the “during” can be uncomfortable… but with the right recipe, they’ll love the results, the community, and the “after.”

We need to get them there – to the after, forever after – by offering something likable and even (dare we say?) lovable. As enjoyable as possible. Something surprisingly attractive, broadly appealing, fun, and happily addictive, long term.

On this webcast, we’ll discuss why the right group fitness experience is the solution to the love/hate problem with exercise. Because, unlike any machine, fleeting fad, extreme bootcamp, or weight-loss competition, a great group fitness workout has things people will love and commit to: music, community, consistency, results… a recipe for long-term success.


  • Reengineering the member experience
  • Offering the right programs
  • Recruiting the right people
  • How M4 Programming can help you sell group fitness
  • Resources for the I ❤️ Campaign​​​​​​


35 minutes

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Jeffrey Pinkerton
VP of Business Development

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