Webcast – New Member Onboarding

SUMMARY: In order to ensure the success of new members, you need to define a clear path to get them started. By directing and guiding them into a great group fitness experience you can help them connect with members and engage with your team. Learn strategies for...

Webcast – Instructors as Influencers

 SUMMARY: Are your social posts getting fewer likes than you’d like? You’re not alone; in recent years, business posts have been downgraded and most are being seen by a single-digit percentage of your followers. In a new webcast, we’ll talk about...

Webcast – The Power of a Nudge

SUMMARY: You have the opportunity to direct new members toward the most successful and lasting path. With some thoughtfulness and intention, your team can design a pathway to ‘nudge’ new members towards the experience that will increase their chance for long term...