
Ground to Standing: Get Down with Getting Up
Around here at MOSSA I have been nicknamed “Muma Browning.” It is usually in reference to when I am giving a bit of a pep-talk or, as my daughters would say, giving a bit of a lesson. So, I am going to put on my Muma Browning hat and talk to you about how important it is to get down with getting up. The ability to get down to the ground confidently and competently and then stand up again is one...

Cross-Training? Yes. Cross-Programming!
Variability, Variety, and the Four Big Buckets Cross-Training usually has technical connotations when it comes to exercise. It is a technique used by athletes to engage in alternative sports or varying types of exercise in order to improve fitness or performance in their main sport. Participating in well-rounded, diverse training has multiple benefits, most notably, improved performance and less...

Welcome to the New MOSSA Blog
We, at MOSSA, are many things: coaches, creators, exercise science geeks, writers, music fans, and movement groupies. We’re also students of physiology and long term Movement Health. We’re always learning and sharing, and we strive to be a clear and evolved voice within the fitness industry, which can tend to be noisy and confusing at best, but also misleading and intimidating at worst. Our team...

The MOSSA Blog is Coming Soon
We are excited about the upcoming launch of our new blog. Our mission is to get more people moving, and we hope that this blog will provide inspiration and insight to do just that. Subscribe to receive updates when new posts are available.