
Is VR Fitness A Digital Delusion or a Realistic Reality?
As the global shutdown grows more distant in the rear view and we look at the road ahead, the fitness business faces this debate: is the virtual fitness world a real - and lasting - reality? With an influx of digital platform providers, the fitness industry has been flooded by technology companies who tell us "everyone" is talking about digital and VR (virtual reality) fitness, and that...

Why We Work Out at Work (It Works)
At 11:45 a.m. daily, Diane, fondly known as Di-Di, makes an intercom announcement that our lunch time workout is about to start. Hustle ensues as the MOSSA HQ Team makes their way to the locker rooms. There is music playing in the girls’ room and lots of laughing. I can’t say the same for the boys’ room…but let’s suffice to say, I hear there is lots of banter. At noon sharp, we get moving. ...

6 Keys for Group Fitness Instructor Recruitment
Jim Collins, researcher, business consultant and iconic author wrote, "The old adage 'People are your most important asset' turns out to be wrong. People are not your most important asset. The right people are." We all know this to be true, so why is it that recruitment doesn't seem to be anyone's priority? Instead, it seems like a lot of complaining along the lines of "good people are hard to...

It’s About Time: 10-Minute Workouts
I can’t make time to exercise. I don’t have time to exercise. I don’t understand where people find time to exercise. We hear it all the time. (And, yes, we've even said it.) Yet, down we go, making time to dive into the rabbit hole of cute puppy videos, or finding time to check comments on our latest social post, or having time to hit the snooze button. How easily 10 minutes can get swallowed up...

How to Start Working Out
“I’m just asking for a friend,” said the woman sitting next to me on a recent flight back to Atlanta. “How does someone get started with exercise?” Like many fitness professionals, I have been asked this question a gazillion times. My response is a mix of science, but also, simply, years of observation. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all way to start exercising, but there are a few great options...

Why I Love To Teach Group Fitness
I have been teaching since we recorded music from records (some of you may need to Google that) onto cassette tapes (and that too). I have been teaching since thong leotards and flesh-colored tights were a thing (maybe don’t Google that). And I’ve been teaching since microphones were NOT a thing, and screaming over the music earned me nodules on my vocal cords, and a Demi Moore-like raspy voice....

How Do You Frame Exercise? Picture An Investment.
I was having a conversation with one of my "not able to stick with exercise" friends a little while back and during dinner she asked me, "How do you do it? How do you stick with it?" She, of course, was questioning my ability to make time to work out while simultaneously referencing her long-term inability to stick with any exercise program for more than a month or two before inevitably "falling...

Are You 3D Strong? Like, IKEA Strong?
Hands up if you know a strong brawny dude who will bench press twice his body weight, but then hurt himself swinging a golf club. Or the weight room aficionado, confident with a barbell, who hurts herself doing the spring gardening. And the would-be weekend decorator who, visiting IKEA for the first time, realizes the hard way he is not IKEA strong (that is, having the ability to move heavy,...

Should Exercise Have An Off-Season?
We all know the term off-season. It broadly categorizes the period, usually when an athlete’s professional season is over, that is dedicated to time off and physical (and mental) recalibration. I bring up this notion of off-season because for many of us who have a committed exercise practice…well, we don’t really have an off-season. But maybe we should!? Taking a Physical Vacation Case in point....

All That Sitting Got You Down? De-Desk!
If you plow fields, hunt for food, work on a construction site, own a landscaping business, or have a physically robust way of earning a living, read no further. You’re golden. But for the rest of us, the ones who spend a decent chunk of time sitting at a desk hunched over a screen, or long periods of time in the car, or devouring Netflix in big chunks…then we need to talk! You are likely...