
More than Muscles: Benefits of Strength Training

More than Muscles: Benefits of Strength Training

If we could find fitness in a magic pill – and I’m not the first to suggest this, of course – everyone would take it. But alas, we can’t. What we need – exercise – is potentially uncomfortable, inconvenient, and for many, intimidating. And this “gymtimidation” is likely most prevalent when it comes to strength training. Maybe that’s because, years ago, strength training was bodybuilding. It was...

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New Member Onboarding: Over-Welcoming or Overwhelming?

New Member Onboarding: Over-Welcoming or Overwhelming?

Imagine you walk into a clothing store. You are greeted “Hi. Welcome in. Is there anything we can help you find?” Your reflex response: “No, just looking, thanks.” But what if, when you walk in, instead of simply being greeted, you are invited (required, actually) to sit down and discuss your wardrobe and fashion goals? Whisked off on a full store tour then to a special desk and asked questions...

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Team vs. Technology and the Future of Fitness

Team vs. Technology and the Future of Fitness

I was in the crowd for the recent initial review of our MMA-style group fitness workout, Group Fight. There was a buzz in the room with team members chatting and preparing for the workout. The instructor Mike, part of our program development team, was walking around, “working the room,” building up the pre-workout energy. His excitement was contagious, his intro was electric, and the workout...

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Setting Goals for Group Fitness

Setting Goals for Group Fitness

It's time to finalize – and put into action – your goals for the new year, things like plans for upgrades, budgets, and benchmarks. I assume you have metrics and 2024 goals for your sales team and your personal training department. And, if you have a savvy marketing team, they've laid out plans for new campaigns, upcoming promotions and a content calendar for social media. But, what about your...

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Does Exercise Have to be Boring and Bitter?

Does Exercise Have to be Boring and Bitter?

Have you ever wondered, "why is working out is so boring, and well ... bluh?" If you have, maybe it's not your fault. Maybe you've been trying exercises that are in fact, so boring. Maybe you need a re-engineered version of exercise that extracts the boredom, removes the bitterness, and leaves you feeling amazing. "Good For You" Doesn't Have to Be Bitter. Do you remember trying Brussels sprouts...

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Do you Have Exerciser Imposter Syndrome?

Do you Have Exerciser Imposter Syndrome?

I'm not fit enough for the gym. I’ve never been good at exercise. I am too uncoordinated and unathletic. Have you ever said it? If so, you may be experiencing what I call exerciser imposter syndrome. It’s that feeling of doubting your abilities to even begin, never mind making exercise a regular part of your life, improving your fitness, gaining coordination, and learning to enjoy exercise. And...

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The Perfect Pickleball Workout

The Perfect Pickleball Workout

Yes, I consider myself a Pickleball fanatic. I’ll spare you my opinion on the playability of one ball type over the other, or my indifferences on the current updates to our rating system. Instead, I want to talk about what it takes to play Pickleball, what I'll call being “Pickleball fit,” where I see people’s mobility and agility lacking, and how time spent exercising and moving can help you...

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Myths About Pre-Choreographed Group Fitness

Myths About Pre-Choreographed Group Fitness

Freestyle versus pre-choreographed group fitness. It’s a debate as old as group fitness itself, or at least as old as the leg warmers, thong leotards, and cassette tapes we sported when I started teaching “aerobics” in the 1980s. Early in my career, freestyle – where instructors build a class any way they want – was the only model. Pre-choreography – or pre-programming – came along later, and...

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It’s Movement Snack Time

It’s Movement Snack Time

Snacks rank high on my list of daily priorities. Sometimes I know I won’t have time for a sit-down mid-day meal. Or maybe I’m ping ponging from place to place. Whatever the case, without snacks throughout the day, without the fuel I need – an apple, some almonds, a granola bar (or two) – I’ll get hangry. Cranky. Fatigued. So, I always keep something quickly accessible. Workouts Alone Don’t Work...

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How to Stay Motivated to Work Out

How to Stay Motivated to Work Out

If my mum was describing me to her friends, she would probably say something like, “Oh Cath, my oldest – well, she’s the fitness fanatic.” I would never correct her – too late for that. But something about that phrase no longer serves me. I have taken it upon myself to rebrand, to evolve, if only for my own internal dialogue. I like to think of myself as a wellness fanatic and being an avid...

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