
Weight Factor in Group Power

What is Weight Factor in Group Power?

Weight Factor ensures participants receive the most effective Group Power workout. Each weighted track has a Weight Factor which guides participants to select the most appropriate weight. It is the backbone of the Group Power programming, allowing the MOSSA Program Development Team to build Group Power workouts with tons of variety and variability (rep count, speed, time under tension).


“Always and Never the Same”

Group Power is always the same in regards to a few key brand elements – number of songs, order of tracks, etc. Weight Factor, combined with the release themes found in each Group Power workout (i.e. ‘the Rep Release’, ‘the All Increased Weight Factor Release’, ‘the Super Set Release’, ‘the Off-Set Load Release’, ‘the Tri-set Release’) ensures that Group Power is consistent and reliable, but also new and fresh with each release … or as we say, it allows Group Power to be “always and never the same.”